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Key Word Transformation - FCE , CAE, B2 First, C1 Advanced


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Most common transformations - Key Word Transformation B2 and C1

The Key Word Transformation is part 4 of the Reading and Use of English paper. In this part , a wide range of different grammatical structures and vocabulary are tested. You must show your ability to paraphrase using the key word and, most importantly, keeping the meaning the same.

The difficulty lies on the great variety of  grammatical structures that you need to learn in order to do this part of the Use of English exam successfully.

This ebook contains a  list of the 300 most common transformations that come up in this part of the exam.


 I think doing that is a waste of time
There is no point in doing that.
There isn’t any point in doing that.
It is not worth doing that.
It’s no use doing that.
It’s no good doing that.
Do not bother to do /doing that.

Do you think you could give me a hand to do it?
Would you mind giving me a hand to do it?
I 'd appreciate it if you could give me a hand to do it.
I would appreciate it if you gave me a hand to do it.
I would appreciate your giving me a hand to do it.
I would appreciate you giving me a hand to do it.

He can do it provided (that) he doesn´t have to ...
He can do it providing (that) he doesn´t have to ...
He can do it , but only if he doesn’t have to go...
He can do it on the condition (that) he doesn´t have to
He can do it as long as he doesn´t have to go ...

He ignored what she said.
He took no notice of what she said.
He didn´t take any notice of what she said
He didn’t heed what she said.
He paid no heed to what she said.
He didn’t pay any heed to what she said.

300 most common key word transformations, common key word transformations, frequent key word transformations, b2 key word transformation, b2 first sentence transformation, b2 first use of English part 4, fce key word transformation, fce sentence transformation, fce use of English part 4, c1 advanced key word transformation, c1 advanced sentence transformation, c1 advanced use of English part 4, cae key word transformation, cae sentence transformation, cae use of English part 4, key word transformation cae, sentence transformation c1 advanced , use of English part 4 advanced, part 4 of the use of English, transformación de la palabra clave